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Free Healthy Recipe - Pesto Chicken with Cannellini and Broad Beans

Dairy free, Low GI

Every single person should learn to read food labels. There are many great quality premade sauces, relishes and salsas, made without scary additives, that will help transform an otherwise boring meal to a restaurant quality dish. A quality pesto can be served with pasta (and salad), on crackers with fresh sliced tomato, over roast veggies and in this lovely dish below.

150 grams chicken fillet
1 tbsp pesto sauce

Sear the chicken for 2 minutes each side then place in the oven on a baking tray for 12 - 15 minutes to cook through.

While the chicken is cooking, bring a pan of salted water to boil and add the broad beans. Cook for 2 - 3 minutes before draining. Drain and rinse the cannellini beans.
Using the same pan the beans were cooked in, add the cannellini beans with the broad beans and gently heat in 1 tbsp water to heat through. Remove from the heat and stir through the pesto sauce.

Serve the chicken on the bean mix.

Note: In the case of emergencies a single person's fridge should have a range of frozen veggies. Broad beans, edamame and peas are always in mine. Nutritionally they almost match fresh.

Makes 1 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: 20 mins
Ready in: 25 mins

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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 1994 kj
Calories 477 kcal
Fat 21.6 g
Saturated Fat 4.8 g
Total Carbohydrate 18.8 g
Total Protein 47.9 g
Fibre 10.6 g

Natures Best Belfield

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Call us: 9642 5613
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