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Free Healthy Recipe - Clams with Garlic Polenta

Clams, or vongole, are simple to prepare, very tasty and easy to eat. This dish is very easy, particularly if you already have a batch of Dina's tomato sauce in the freezer or fridge. It could be served with pasta, but this garlic polenta is a nice alternative; the yellow of the polenta contrasts so beautifully with the red of the tomato sauce. This recipe is also great for those who are intolerant to wheat products and can't eat bread or pasta.

1 kg clams, (vongole)
9 cups water
1 10cm piece kombu
½ tsp sea salt
1½ cups polenta, (cornmeal)
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbsp olive oil
2 cups Dina's tomato sauce, (see recipe list)
4 serves Italian green salad, (see recipe list)

To avoid a mouthful of grit, molluscs like clams should be purged. To do this, simply put them in a large bowl of cool water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Once purged, give them a rinse and they are ready to cook.

Put the water and kombu in a large pan and bring to the boil. Remove the kombu and add the salt and polenta, stirring continuously. When the polenta starts to splutter, turn the heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 40 minutes or until cooked (polenta is cooked when it pulls away from the sides of the pan). Remove from the heat, spread thinly over a flat baking sheet and leave to cool.
Mix the garlic with the olive oil in a bowl and heat the grill (broiler) to hot. Once the polenta is cool, cut into 8 squares and brush the surface of each with the garlic oil. Place under the hot grill for 10 minutes, until it starts to become crispy and golden. Turn and cook the other side until golden.
Heat the tomato sauce in a large pan and, once hot, add the clams, stirring them through the sauce. Cover and cook over a high heat for 6 minutes or until the clams have opened.
Serve with the polenta and Italian green salad.

Makes 4 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 40 mins
Cooking Time: 1 hr 30 mins
Ready in: 2 hrs 20 mins

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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 2572 kj
Calories 615 kcal
Fat 27.7 g
Saturated Fat 4.6 g
Total Carbohydrate 42.5 g
Total Protein 47.1 g
Fibre 4.4 g

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