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Free Healthy Recipe - Shiitake Mushroom Soup

Dairy free, Low carbohydrate, Low fat

A friend of mine recently receivedd extreely bad news about her health. Coming to terms with the news and a future supported by medication, she lost her appetite and became extremely depressed. The naturally sweet flavour of shiitake mushrooms is very comforting in such times of stress. After three days struggling with food, this soup worked a treat for my friend. That evening she regained her appetite and felt calmer than she had in days. But don't think this soup is only worth eating when you are slightly under the weather - it is delicious, too, and makes a perfect starter for a meal. The soup can be pre-prepared: just heat through and add the cabbage 5 minutes before serving.

8 cups hot water
6 cups cold water
1 2.5 cm piece ginger, peeled
3 tbsp mirin
3 tbsp shoyu
1 spring onion roughly chopped
1 carrot peeled and cut into julienne slices
2 cups Chinese cabbage, sliced
1 spring onion extra, chopped

Soak the shiitake in hot water for no less than 30 minutes.

Rinse the mushrooms, cut off and discard their stalks and slice the caps thinly.
Put the cold water in a medium saucepan and add the ginger, star anise, mirin, shoyu and roughly chopped spring onion. Slowly bring to the boil, add the carrot and shiitake and simmer for a further 15 minutes.
Add the Chinese cabbage then cook for a further 5 minutes.
Remove the ginger and star anise and serve the soup with a garnish of chopped coriander and spring onion.

Makes 4 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 30 mins
Cooking Time: 35 mins
Ready in: 1 hr 10 minutes

Suitable for:
Dinner, Entree, Soup
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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 271 kj
Calories 65 kcal
Fat 0.3 g
Total Carbohydrate 16.6 g
Total Protein 2.7 g
Fibre 2.7 g

Natures Best Belfield

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