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Shirley on The New Tefal Soup maker :
HI, I had the old soup maker, but it has been discontin... »
Nancye on The New Tefal Soup maker :
I bought my Tefal Soup & Co maker from Myers, most plac... »
Nancye on The New Tefal Soup maker :
I'm looking for some nice easy recipes to make with my ... »
Mystery on The New Tefal Soup maker :
I spend several days researching for a soup maker, and ... »
Shirley on Products we LOVE in a pack: Rice Plus :
How many calories inriceplus... »

Food Coach News

Losing Weight

Smaller plates, slimmer glasses, linked to weight loss success
By: Information courtesy of EurekAlert

Dieters may not need as much willpower as they think, if they make simple changes in their surroundings that can result in eating healthier without a second thought, said a consumer psychologist at the American Psychological Association's 119th Annual Convention. "Our homes ... [More]...


Benefits of quitting smoking outweigh extra kilograms
By: The Heart Foundation

The health benefits of quitting smoking far outweigh the few kilograms some people gain after giving up, says the National Heart Foundation of Australia. It comes after a study published today in the British Medical Journal suggested that, on average, quitters gain ... [More]...


Daily exercise can help ensure guilt-free Christmas
By: The Food Coach

Even if you consume significantly more calories than you burn off this Christmas, a short, daily bout of exercise will stave off most of the negative effects of over-eating and inactivity, according to scientists at the University of Bath. Whilst earlier ... [More]...


High Levels of Fructose Consumption by Adolescents May Put Them at Cardiovascular Risk, Evidence Suggests
By: Information courtesy of Science Direct

Evidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk is present in the blood of adolescents who consume a lot of fructose, a scenario that worsens in the face of excess belly fat, researchers report. An analysis of 559 adolescents age 14-18 correlated ... [More]...


How Discrimination Hurts: Lack of Fair Treatment Leads to Obesity Issues
By: Courtesy of Science Direct

People, especially men, who feel any kind of discrimination, are likely to see their waistlines expand, according to research from Purdue University. "This study found that males who persistently experienced high levels of discrimination during a nine-year period were more likely to ... [More]...


In-shell pistachio consumption decreases calorie intake
By: The Food Coach

Two studies published in the current on-line issue of the journal Appetite indicate that consuming in-shell pistachios is a weight-wise approach to healthy snacking, offering unique mindful eating benefits to help curb consumption and decrease calorie intake. The first study found that ... [More]...


Obese People Regain Weight After Dieting Due to Hormones
By: Information courtesy of Science Daily

Worldwide, there are more than 1.5 billion overweight adults, including 400 million who are obese. In Australia, it is estimated more than 50 per cent of women and 60 per cent of men are either overweight or obese. Although restriction of diet ... [More]...


Soluble fiber strikes a blow to belly fat
By: Information courtesy of EurekAlert

All fat is not created equal. Unsightly as it is, subcutaneous fat, the fat right under the skin, is not as dangerous to overall health as visceral fat, the fat deep in the belly surrounding vital organs. According to a new study ... [More]...


Sticking to diets is about more than willpower -- complexity matters
By: Courtesy of Eurekalert

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Many people think the success of dieting, seemingly a national obsession following the excesses and resolutions of the holiday season, depends mostly on how hard one tries -- on willpower and dedication. While this does matter, new research ... [More]...


The Kitchen Counter Diet
By: Information courtesy of Science Daily

Can eating less be as simple as leaving serving dishes on the stove and off the table? According to a team of researchers from Cornell University, it can. Researchers led by Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, shared ... [More]...



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